Hello! My name is

Joey Villafuerte

and welcome to my website

Proficient with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Reactjs, Vue.js, Python, SQL, and Java

About Me

Hello and welcome to my website! My name is Joey, a 25 year old Software Engineering Graduate from Ontario Tech University. I love coding and my goal is to create any code that can solve real world problems that interest me. I have a love for artificial intelligence, machine learning, and web development.

I'm currently looking for a full time opportunity. When I'm not programming, my interests include creating bots on discord, hanging out with friends, and playing video games and volleyball. I enjoy learning about different topics and am willing to try anything at least once. I'm proficient with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Reactjs, Vue.js, Python, SQL, and Java.

Personal Projects

Web Browser Snake Game

A simple game of Snake, staying as true to the original game as possible. One of my very first projects working with a web browser :)

View on GitHub. Created with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

All Purpose Discord BotBot

A simple yet effective discord bot for everyday use. It contains fun features such as simple gambling, list creation, reminders, and many more functions in the works.

View on GitHub. Created with Python, and many APIs. A work in progress.

Grand Chase Kakao Material Calculator

Material calculator for Grand Chase Kakao, a story based multiplayer online game played on mobile.

View on GitHub. Done as a way to learn and practice React.js. Currently hosted for usage here